Master Your Retirement Savings with RetireBetter
July 22, 2023

While planning for retirement is crucial, our schools don't teach us about 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). That's where RetireBetter comes in, providing the knowledge you need to prepare for a comfortable retirement, regardless of your paycheck size.


The most crucial advice about saving for retirement? Starting now. Here’s why:


The power of compound interest. If you start saving at 22 instead of 32, you can clearly see this magic at work. You could end up with nearly twice as much money for retirement. It's that simple.


Saving is a habit. It may not be easy to start saving early, but with RetireBetter, we can help you develop this habit. You'll feel good as you watch your account balance grow.


How much should you save? As much as you reasonably can. Start with something, even if it's just a small amount per paycheck, and try to increase it each year. With RetireBetter, saving becomes second nature.


Understanding Your Investment Account Options with RetireBetter


RetireBetter helps you navigate the retirement account alphabet soup: 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEPs, SIMPLEs, and all the rest. We guide you according to your work situation and help you make the best choices.


If you work for a for-profit employer: RetireBetter helps you navigate 401(k) plans.


If you work for a non-profit employer:  RetireBetter guides you through 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans.


If you're setting up your own retirement accounts, RetireBetter can assist you with IRAs. We provides insights into Traditional, Roth, and Rollover IRAs.


What Are SEPs and Solo 401(k)s? RetireBetter helps you understand SEPs (Simplified Employee Pension) and Solo 401(k) options for the self-employed, with rules that may allow you to save more than with a normal IRA.


With RetireBetter, you're not just preparing for retirement; you're mastering it. Start your journey with us today.