Cash Balance
Business Owners: Why Cash Balance Plans Could Be Your Retirement Game Changer
July 25, 2023

Thinking about retirement can feel a bit like playing a complicated board game. There are rules to learn, strategies to consider, and the end goal can sometimes seem far off in the distance. But what if there was a game-changing move you could make that could supercharge your journey to retirement? Enter the Cash Balance Plan.


Cash balance plans are like the secret power-up in the retirement game. They offer significant advantages over traditional retirement plans like the 401(k). But what makes these plans so special?


Larger Contributions: Cash balance plans allow for much larger annual contributions than other retirement plans. This means you can build up your savings faster and reach your retirement goals more quickly.


Guaranteed Returns: Unlike other plans where your retirement income might fluctuate based on the market, cash balance plans provide a guaranteed rate of return. This means you know exactly what you're getting, adding a certainty that's often missing in other retirement planning strategies.


Portability: Cash balance plans are transferable, so if you decide to switch careers or jobs, you can take your plan with you. This is a great feature in today's ever-changing job market.


Tax Advantages: Contributions to cash balance plans are tax-deductible for employer and tax-deferred for you. This results in potential tax savings, making these plans a financially savvy choice.


While cash balance plans sound like a winning move, they're not the right fit for everyone. They can be more expensive and complex to manage than other retirement plans, and may not make sense for businesses with unpredictable profits or high staff turnover. It's like choosing the right strategy in a board game – what works for one player might not work for another.


If you have more questions or need further information about cash balance plans or any other aspect of retirement plans for business, don't hesitate to reach out to us. At RetireBetter, we're here to help you level up your retirement planning game. Let us help you navigate the rules, understand the potential benefits and drawbacks, and make the best decision based on your individual circumstances.


Our team of experts can provide you with the guidance and advice you need to make informed decisions about your retirement strategy, including whether a cash balance plan might be the right move for you.